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Change Coaching

Even if it’s something you really want, change is hard. It can rock you to your core and make you question everything.


My coaching can help you get back on solid ground and move forward with clarity and renewed self-trust.

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Why is coaching helpful during a transition? When everything around you is in flux, it can be really useful to have a regular time to land and centre yourself.

We often live in our heads, especially when there is a lot of planning and details to work out. Coaching opens up space and time to drop into your heart, allowing your inner voice to speak to you and guide you to your next best step. And if talk of dropping in and your inner voice makes you want to run a mile, know that I get it and I can help you anyway

If talk of dropping in and your inner voice makes you want to run a mile, know that I get it and I can help anyway

How can change coaching help?

- Get help to navigate your way through changes in your relationships, routine, work, location, health, family life, way of life, identity or any other transition
- Reconnect with all the skills, talents and experience that you have to help you through this time
- Access a structured framework for setting achievable goals and be held accountable for reaching them

- Learn new ways to identify and assess your options so you can move forward with clarity and confidence
- Have a cheerleader alongside you for the ride

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Anaïs Nin
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